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by Dan Rindler, GCFP "Back to Sleep" is a phrase every new parent has heard countless times, to describe what is considered the safest positioning for a sleeping baby.  In…

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1.  The Child'Space observation guide:  complete version 2.  Infant Development  (Barbara's Presentation) 3.  IMH and Parents  (Barbara's Infant Mental Health Presentation) 4.  Release form For New Clients 5.  Contacts NYC…

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Links Infants Love to be Carried Infant Reflex Videos on Youtube  (Many of These Were Used in Dan's Presentation) Child'Space Method:  The North American CS Site

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Segment 1 video vimeo Segment 1 video youtube Segment 2 video  youtube Segment 3 video youtube Segment 4 video youtube Segment 5 video youtube Segment 6 video youtube Segment 7 video youtube

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Segment 1 Observation Homework Observe two babies.  One from  0-2m,  the other between 2m-4m.  Observe for about 30 minutes, using the Child’Space Observation Guide, to help your awareness of each…

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Train without interrupting your work schedule Two August intensives, and five four-day weekends which are scheduled to allow for travel-time. Dates: 2013 August 11-23, (Aug 17th day off) October 25-28…

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Tuition:  $6,500 $800 deposit; 3 payments of $1900 (8/1/13; 2/1/14; 5/1/14) Checks are preferred.  Made out to “Child’Space NYC”  and please write Training Program in the memo. Mail to: Child’Space…

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Pre-Crawlers I

Tummy-Time Solutions, Rolling, Reaching and More Child’Space Method class for the youngest pre-crawling babies from 5 weeks up to 5 months. In this gentle, joyful class, parents learn to support…

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